
Showing posts from April, 2017

Walking on Incline to Slim Thighs: The Best Leg Toning Exercise?

It can be really hard to slim the thighs, especially for women; men tend to store their extra weight around the waist while the extra calories women eat seem to flock in a flurry to the leg and hip area. Walking on an incline to slim thighs has a twofold benefit; it serves as a lower body toning exercise that firms the entire trouble zone, and it also burns significant calories. It’s impossible to achieve targeted weight loss on a specific body part, but an overall reduction in bodyweight can help, which is exactly why covering your miles at an incline is a fantastic thigh toning exercise . Many people ask the questions; “does walking help you lose weight”, and “can walking tone thighs”. The answer is going to be different for each individual, depending on their existing fitness level, the intensity and incline of the trek, and the distance covered, but for the most part the answer is yes. Exercising at an incline does call heavily upon lower body muscles, and it burns significantl...

Ask a Coach: How Can I Lose Body Fat WITHOUT Tracking Macros?

Tracking macros not for you? Hey, I get it – tracking macros isn’t for me either. It’s not that tracking macros isn’t an efficient and effective means of losing body fat (it is). And it’s not that tons of people haven’t used it to create dramatic changes in their physiques (they have). It’s just that for some reason, the thought of having to log everything I eat – mixed with the fact that I hate math and get hungry thinking about food all day – immediately turns me away from it. And, if you’re reading this article, it probably turns you away as well. But, fear not, for  you don’t have to track macros in order to lose body fat .

Top 3 Most Effective Workouts

I can't say it enough: Exercise is essential to losing weight -- and keeping it off. Sure, there are tons of ways to get your heart pumping, but here are three types of workouts that will optimize fat loss and accelerate your results aesthetically and athletically. HIIT  -- If you want to be a calorie-burning machine, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the key. This means pushing yourself during short bursts of your workout session so you're exercising at close to 100 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR) and then recovering at a lower intensity of roughly 70 percent of your MHR. These intervals can range anywhere from 20 seconds to two minutes, depending on your level of fitness. Figuring out your MHR is simple -- just subtract your age from 220. So if you're 35, your MHR is 185 beats a minute. HIIT training is one of the best ways to enhance your afterburn, which means you will not only burn calories during the workout, but long after the workout is ov...

Best Time for Cardio

  What time of day is best for your cardio workout Most wonder when the best time is to do cardiovascular training. But is there really an exact time to put cardio into your workout that will benefit your body? Many researchers have looked at this in a number of ways, but there has been no significant proof of when the best time of day is to do your cardio work out. However, there are many factors to consider when deciding on when to do your cardiovascular training. By following a few simple steps, you can make your cardio workout most effective.  First off, most people would agree that the best time to do a cardio workout is the time when you feel most energetic throughout the day. This allows you to use all your energy, and to maximize the effectiveness of your workout. A lot of people say that they feel best doing their cardiovascular workouts in the mornings because this is the time they have the most energy. However, if you are not a morning person, this is probab...

TrimClinic Berths Online

Owing to public demand, Primeviews Nigeria, owners of a general purpose online portal,, have decided to set up a specialized blog for health and fitness affairs. is, therefore, created as a clearinghouse on issues of health and fitness. It is a one stop shop for fitness technology, health tips, alternative medicine, affiliate marketing  and sundry issues. We, therefore, invite you to take advantage of the wealth of information on this blog to enhance your living and well-being.